I'm going to give a little bit of prophetic teaching here, and I'm hoping it will help bring some balance to some things in the prophetic movement that have gotten off-balance. Let's just say this is the part of me that flows Apostolically. :)
If you are a true Prophet/Prophetess, there is no need for you to advertise who you are or what you do...you simply "Be" who you are. I see too many people in the prophetic movement today, who feel they need to promote themselves and what they do, in order to convince others of their calling or gifting. You don't need a name tag, badge, or advertisement to say who you are or what you do...nor do you need to post every time you pray for someone, or give a prophetic word to someone. When you do these things, it shows a lack of spiritual maturity, as well as a boastful and arrogant spirit...both of which will be followed by a fall. Let the Lord raise you up in His way, and in His time, instead of forcing your way through the door. In the meantime, focus on getting properly trained in the gifting & calling that God has placed upon you. God can do what no amount of charm, influence, force or money can do...those are the ways that the Kingdom of Babylon operates, not the Kingdom of God!
I have especially seen these types of things in people who flow in the prophetic, but lack the training necessary to properly steward their gift. One prophetic conference or training weekend does not a Prophet make! Much of the problem is the lack of prophetic training in most churches. It is, in general, not a gifting that is promoted or developed in your everyday church. Sadly, this is even the case in most "Spirit-filled" or Charismatic churches today. Believe me I understand! I went through several years of not knowing where my gifting fit in the body, nor how to get training in the prophetic. In the churches that do allow prophesy to go forth, it is often understood that if you have a word, you give it...without any type of training or instruction regarding how, when, and what type of prophecy is appropriate at any given time or in a particular service.
A mature prophetic gifting or calling is not just about hearing a word from God and delivering it. It is also about having the wisdom necessary to know how to use your gift properly, at the right time and place, and with the right spirit. If you feel you are called as a prophetic voice, I would suggest that you position yourself in a place where you can be trained and equipped by a seasoned Prophet/Prophetess. I would encourage sitting under them for at least one year, in order to develop your gifting to a mature level, especially if you have received a word declaring that you are called into the prophetic. I would also suggest attending as many services as possible with, what I call "High Level" Prophets, to simply learn and glean as much as you can. When I say "High Level" Prophets, I mean those who are standing in the Office of a Prophet/Prophetess, and are functioning at the highest level of that calling (Ex. Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, etc.). In addition, I recommend getting books and training material written by those who have functioned in this gift at a high level for an extended period of time. There are protocols that should be observed while a person is in prophetic training, and prophesying to anyone and everyone they meet is not part of them. Employing this type of wisdom eliminates confusion, hurt, and manipulation.
It is a wonderful privilege to be called and used as a Prophet or Prophetess...BUT it is something that should be done with much reverence and awe. You are declaring that you are speaking for Almighty God, and this is a very serious thing, that should never be taken lightly! I have seen much unnecessary pain & confusion within the prophetic movement, and even experienced it myself in my younger years. Sadly, as a result, many have turned away from it altogether, as I did for some time. It is my sincere hope and prayer that we can begin to train, equip, and raise up an "Elisha Generation" of authentic, God-fearing Prophets/Prophetesses, who will walk in a mature and humble spirit in these last days...a generation that will have no fear of man and will not follow after the world, but will speak the word of the Lord with boldness, even the hard sayings! Lord, let it be so!