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I wanted to make a few things clear, for any who are wondering if any recent, or even upcoming "exposures" of gross sin and immorality in the church, are of God or of the enemy? Let me be clear, THEY ARE OF GOD! After a terrible exposure this past week regarding Todd Bentley, I have heard some, even within prophetic circles, say that this is simply the enemy bringing division and an accuser of the brethren spirit. I do not believe this is true, nor is it what is happening. This is God, bringing a much needed purification and cleansing to His body. 

How do I know that this is of the Lord? Because He has already spoken, through myself and others, that these things were coming! Not only did he give me the following word in July of last year (along with other words in the same vein), but He also impressed upon me last Tuesday, August 20th, to go back and retrieve this word and post it again. Coincidence?? I think not! I had NO IDEA what was getting ready to transpire within 48 hrs in the Charismatic Community as a whole, as a "bomb" exploded with the recent allegations against Todd Bentley. But, God did, and He had me pull this word 👇 to remind everyone of what was coming, and that He was doing it. What has been coming to light over the last year, and even the last few weeks, is just the beginning of what we will see exposed. The grace period where ongoing sins and iniquities aren't dealt with, is over. God is purging and purifying His body, to prepare for the true GLORY that is to come! Judgement begins in the House of God! He has heard the outcry of the many victims, the young (in the Lord, and in the natural) who have been led far away from Him by behaviors and actions of others, and His justice will be made known throughout the earth! Be ready! As painful as this exposing is, it is of Him, and we need to be grateful that He isn't allowing this kind of behavior to continue. There is much more exposure coming, and some of it will be hard to hear, and hard to believe. Remember, righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne (Psalm 89 & 97)...and if we want Him to be enthroned among us in a greater way, we must be purified and cleansed..even if by His refining fire! 🌊🔥 Original word from June 13, 2018, which I shared again last Tuesday. ⏬🔄  EXPOSING OF SEXUAL IMMORALITY & ABUSE IN THE CHURCH - "Many men & women who are in ministry, who have been engaged in ongoing perverse sexual activities, are going to be exposed in mass numbers in the next few years, even some within the next few months. They have a very short window to truly repent, get delivered and move into a place of healing and wholeness, before judgement begins. If this is you, I beg you to repent, seek council from other ministers who can help you get delivered from these strongholds, and eventually restored. Many will be shocked by who these will be... Some will be those you would not have thought, even some that you think of as Father's and Mother's in the faith. The Lord is tired of the Church covering over and looking the other way while blatant immorality and sexual perversion have run rampant in His house, even among those who are suppose to be leading His people. His Spirit is grieved! He doesn't care if they are called an Apostle, a Prophet, an Evangelist, a Pastor, or a Teacher...if they are living in blatant immorality, they will be dealt with. Those leaders who have done this, will be held accountable for the spirits of perversion & error that have been released throughout their entire ministries and/or congregations, and how that has affected the people who are under their care. They are held to a higher standard, and He does not take lightly the things that they have allowed to overtake and infiltrate His people, those whom they were called to protect. Many people are walking in sexually immoral lifestyles, because their leaders allowed those spirits of perversion, whoredom, and error into their fellowships or ministries. Whoa unto the leaders who have led His flock astray! The Lord has given them a time of grace to repent, but they have not, and have excused and some even condoned, their own sexual perversions and immorality. They have led many others into these kinds of perverse lifestyles, and the Lord has had enough...judgment will begin in His house! The time has come where the Lord will drop His plumbline of righteousness in His Church! The same exposing that you have seen happen in the world, will now be seen in His Church at an accelerated pace. Also, many who have been perpetrators of sexual abuse within the Church will be exposed and brought to justice. The Lord has given them time to make it right, to confess and truly repent, but they have not. Just as many in the world have been exposed in the #MeToo movement, so will many in the church be exposed. The Church should have been leading this movement to begin with, and calling for justice for the victims of sexual abuse and harassment, but too many times they have shrinked back and hidden the sins of those they knew were doing these things. The cries of the victims, and the pain caused by those who were suppose to be protecting and leading them, has caused His heart to be grieved and angered. His justice will now be seen, and it will happen swiftly. The exposing of all of these things will happen across denominational lines and boundaries, and within all spheres of "Christianity". It is time for His Righteous Remnant to Arise, and stand in a place of no compromise, especially when it comes to it's leaders! God is raising up His Samuels who will deal with the "Phineas and Hophnis" in His house. He is raising up the Ezekiels who will dig in the wall and expose that which is happening in the darkness. Let His Righteous Remnant arise in this hour, and may holiness and purity be seen in His house once again! 🙏⏫" "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." ~Luke 8:17 "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." ~James 3:1 "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood." ~Acts 20:28 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." ~ Matthew 18:6 Hidden in Him, Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer 

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