#FearOfTheLord #BeginningOfWisdom ▶ Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." 📖⏬ Do you fear the Lord? Sometimes, I believe we take the things of the Lord too lightly. Yes, God is our Father, our Friend, our Helper...but He is also the Almighty One. He is All-powerful, and Holy! Our God is a consuming fire!!🔥 Although we come boldly before His throne of grace, we still come in awe and wonder. At times, I feel that in our quest to throw out "religion", we have thrown out REVERENCE as well! I know we do not want to have a pious, religious spirit about us, but we also must never lose the fear of the Lord. We must honor and reverence Him at all times, not in a religious form, but in a contrite and humble spirit. A part of this reverence is getting rid of a "fear of man"...we must be more concerned with what God thinks, than what man may think. Remember what the word declares in Psalms 34 - "The angel of the LORD encamps around those WHO FEAR HIM, and He delivers them...Fear the LORD, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing." 💫 Do you want to live in a place of no lack? Do you want the angel of the Lord encamped about you? Do you want the Lord to deliver you out of the destruction that the enemy has planned? All of these things are promised to us, but only if we remain in a state of reverence and Holy awe before our God! The true fear of the Lord is getting ready to hit His body once again! I am not convinced that many are ready for what that looks like! Remember, He is an awesome and mighty God, and His justice is as right and true as His love! Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer