We are excited to begin a new phase of our ministry this evening! For several years, we have taken many people through our inner healing and deliverance program, which we call Freedom For Life, at churches and ministries around the nation. This has been a wonderful and fulfilling experience, as we have seen many of God's people begin to walk in more freedom & wholeness, and walk into their destiny as over-comers on a whole different level! Now, through the Lord's leading, Darin and I are launching this life-changing teaching through our online "hub", and will be taking 40 people through these sessions over the next few weeks. Through the technology of Webinar and "Live" ministry, we are enabled to reach and equip more of God's people, in more places, with tools and trainings to help them become all they can be, and do all they are called to do. The first step in that is discovering the biblical pathway to inner (soul) healing and freedom from strongholds. We know this is only the beginning of what the Lord will have us to do through this Kingdom "Hub"! When I first put a "feeler" out there on my Prophetic Forum group, I thought perhaps I would get a few dozen who would be interested in doing this program online. I was shocked to have over 120 people sign up! We are breaking them up into several different groups, and will be doing these on and off throughout the year as we can, along with doing this program and other ministry (prophecy, preaching/teaching/equipping) in churches and ministries around the country. We have pastors, prophets, leaders, intercessors, and some who are still learning what they are called to in the body...all signing up to walk into more wholeness and freedom. We have people from here in the U.S., as well as from Germany, Australia, the U.K., Ireland, and many other places around the globe, who are signing up to walk through the program. It is our heart that many will also become trained in how to walk others through this type of healing and freedom, and begin to share what they know in their homes, churches, businesses, etc. Oh, that all of God's people were walking in the full wholeness and freedom that Christ paid for! Can I ask you to pray with us over the next few weeks as we launch into this new phase of equipping that the Lord has called us to? Pray that the hearts and minds of the people going through this program would be prepared for wholeness and freedom. Pray that the enemy would not be able to distract, hinder, or stop any of them from fully receiving all that the Lord has for them over the next several weeks! Pray for strength and wisdom for Darin and I as we launch into this new facet of online ministry that the Lord has called us to. As with anything of this nature, there is always a certain level of warfare that comes against us when we do these types of trainings, so pray against that, and that the Lord would send His mighty angels to war on our behalf. If any of you would like to give into this program, as well as the many other things the Lord is doing in and through Kingdom Life Ministries, you can donate by going to our website and clicking the "Donate" tab in the upper right hand corner. KingdomLifeHub.com All For Him,
Amanda Shiflett OVERVIEW OF FREEDOM FOR LIFE: "The Word of God tells us that there is provisional healing and freedom for our body, soul, and spirit through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Scripture also tells that we will KNOW the truth, and the truth will make us free. Until we know the truth, we are ignorant to the pathways to total freedom. While some people encounter miraculous transformation and freedom instantaneously upon accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, others must work out their own salvation, healing and sanctification progressively. We are instructed to constantly renew our minds, and die daily, so that we can remain in close fellowship with God, and live righteously as sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven.
Freedom For Life is a Biblical pathway to discovering and knowing freedom through Jesus Christ. We have personally encountered life-changing freedom through this teaching and have seen immediate transformation in the lives of many who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to His Church. Through this curriculum, you will discover how to remove many roadblocks that prevent believers from fully receiving all of the benefits that were bought and paid for through Christs’ shed blood."