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Writer's pictureProphetic Reformer


I felt the weight this morning...

The weight of what I've seen this weekend in East TN & WNC...and the weight of what else I sense is coming between now and the first of the year...even between now and the end of next week. 🙏

People simply aren't ready. They aren't ready for many more things and areas like what I saw over the last 2 weeks...maybe not from flooding, but yes that among other things. Tumultuous times are coming to a heightened state unlike what we have seen in this nation. The "Perfect Storm" that many (including myself, John Paul Jackson, and many others) have prophecied is coming quickly.

We think when we get a short lull in things, that we're in the clear and nothing more will happen...but far from it. We are just entering this next level of the "Perfect Storm".

I don't say any of this to get you into fear...but I think of what I would have told these people in WNC that I have met, if I could have talked to them a few months ago.

I would have begged them to please prepare themselves spiritually, mentally and naturally for what was about to hit them & their region. I would have told them not to get into fear at all, but to trust that the Lord would get them through, although it would be quite difficult for a time. I wish I could have reached many of them to tell them...but I'm not sure many could have heard.

For those who have said for years, in response to the words and warnings that I and others have given, that the Lord would take care of them and they didn't need to prepare...I beg you to please reconsider that belief.

The Lord has provided for many of His people in NC, many times in miraculous ways. However, that doesn't mean that they haven't gone without things, and that it hasn't been difficult because they didn't have what they needed in this time. It would have been much easier for so many, yes even God's people, if they had even been a little bit prepared with just some basics.

Also, please consider that with many of the things that are coming soon, there will be no relief effort coming in. Many times there will not be the ability for others to come in and help, as they will be dealing with similar things in their own regions and states.

The next waves will hit soon. The next domino's are going to hit, and I plead with any and all who can see or hear this message, to prepare your hearts, your minds, and your homes/churches, for the season that is upon us. Just as it is in WNC, it will be unprecedented, and unlike what you can imagine. 🙏#PrayAndPrepare #ItIsTime #BestOfTimesWorstOfTimes

Still praying & preparing,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic

P.S. Pic is of the last area we visited on Sunday...arguably one of the worst hit places we've seen. It's an area called Pensacola, NC just outside of Burnsville and Spruce Pine. Please pray for this area! 🙏❤️‍🩹

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