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I 💜 prophetic days! 😁 Anybody else? 🙋‍♀️

Hubby and I had a very important appt. today, and realized while we were there that it was 11/22...honestly I had no idea what the date was. Then as soon as we sat down to talk with our appt, D looks at his phone, and realized it was 11:22 am. He took a pic and we laughed.

Then we head to lunch after our appt, and as we sit down, I look at our ticket, and notice we checked out at 1:22...on 11/22. 😄

Many of you remember my story from 6 years ago with the 8 double yoke eggs we got in 2 store bought cartons of eggs...and how the Lord showed me Zech 9:12 would be a vital verse for me in that season. The verse says:

"Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope; This very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you!"

I thought at the time that the Lord was saying I was getting ready come into double for what I had recently been through. What I found out, is what I had been through then was NOTHING compared to the heartache, loss, hurt, and pain I would experience over the next 5 years! 😳😣

He was literally telling me that I would have to "return to the Stronghold (Him), and be a prisoner of hope"! Again and again in the last 5 years, I have had to return to that Stronghold and be a prisoner of hope.

I've seen hundreds of "doubles" during this time, and every time I say "Yes Lord, I'm returning to the Stronghold, and I will remain in hope...that this dark night will come to an end, and You will restore double!! 🙏🙏🙏😭

You think it's easier for those of us in the 5-fold?! Oh contraire!! We usually have to go through the testing more and for longer! I have waited...I have returned...I have lost hope, and found it again. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ #Truth #BeingHonest

I am just now this year beginning to see the beginnings of my restoration...just the beginning of it! And many more things are yet to be restored.

But was a wonderful and amazing reminder of those doubles, and that He hasn't forgotten, and He will restore double...of all things! D and I could both feel the expectancy and joy in the air of what is coming! 😄💞🙌 #ImExpectingIt #HeIsFaithfulWhoPromised

For those who don't believe God is speaking to you...look for little "God-winks", and ask Him to confirm what He is saying in these properties experiences. The Spirit is always wanting to talk to you, in many different ways. 😉

I don't know what "signs" He shows you, or what numbers, or what verses He has given (it means different things to many people sometimes)?...but from a lady who's walked it, let me tell you, hold on and take every little "God-wink" as Him telling you that He hasn't forgotten, and no matter how long it takes, He has promised, if you keep the faith, and don't give up, HE WILL RESTORE!!! 🙏🙌🔥 #RemainAPrisonerOfHope #HeRestoresDouble

In Hope,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

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