So much is happening in this hour! Some things I can't put words to what I see and sense...but I will say this! The Spirit is getting ready to (and in some cases already is) be poured out in amazing ways in this hour! 💧🌊🙌 #ComeHolySpirit #HolySpiritRainDown
Yesterday during worship at a service, I saw in the spirit a "deluge downpour" coming down...it was intense and awesome! I sensed the Spirit saying that where He is being welcomed and allowed to move, He is going to pour out unprecedented, unmeasured Glory in this hour! Get ready...we've prayed for rain, and it will come! The latter and the former rain, all at the same time! I looked up what I saw (which is much like the picture above), and it is called an isolated downpour. There are certain places, people, and assemblies that have been pressing in for Him to come, and this isolated downpour will be poured out in these places...it will be intense and amazing! Keep pressing people of God...it is time! #WeAreThePeople #NowIsTheTime #GreatAwakening #GloryIsComing 🙌🔥
Oh...and did I mention that 2 ears were healed during service yesterday! One was a man who had been without hearing for 30 years!👂🙌 #LetHimWhoHasAnEarHear #WhatTheSpiritIsSaying
Do it Lord!!
In Anticipation,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer