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๐™‡๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™š ๐™—๐™š ๐™˜๐™ก๐™š๐™–๐™ง...๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป(long but needed post)

Yes, there is revival and awakening coming, in ways, places, and levels we have not seen before (or not in our lifetime). Yes, we are very excited and prayerful about the season that is just ahead. Yes, it will be glorious in so many ways, as many experience His Presence like never before, and His Glory overshadows His people in unprecedented ways. โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ•Š

But please hear me - that is not all that is coming. The hardships that are coming, the "Worst of Times" that is coming will be unprecedented also. A time like we have never lived through...especially here in the western world, & and not in our lifetime. ๐Ÿ™

HEAR ME๐Ÿ‘‚โฌ‡๏ธ

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Many have spoken about the revival and "great awakening" that is coming. Still others have spoken about the difficult times ahead. What so many don't realize is that they are not mutually exclusive. One will actually be a catalyst for the other, in a number of ways.

Yes, we've seen some signs of "sparks" of awakening in the lands...but nothing to the level of what is coming. These are only sparks, but the difficult days ahead will result in a massive surge in the fire of awakening, which will spread like wildfire! I've seen glimpses of it, and I am very excited as well!

So, why do I focus on the difficult days ("The Worst of Times") more? Why not just talk about the Glory that is coming? Why not speak more about the 'Awakening' that is coming?

First of all, that is not my specific call, as a watchman on the wall. Secondly, that is not what He has led me to focus on primarily. Yes, I've discussed it, but not as in depth as the difficult times that are coming.

The reason for this, is because the majority of the people I see and hear in the church are not ready for the difficult times that are literally at our doorstep. They are excited and anticipating the wonderful and amazing time of awakening that is coming, but many refuse to look at the other side of that coin, and the other parts of what the Lord is showing His watchmen...and what He has been showing many of us for years. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Sadly, many within the body cannot handle real truth when they hear it, if it isn't the "rainbows and butterflies" that they've become accustomed to. Why?

Several reasons actually...

First, they simply don't want to hear anything that is uncomfortable, or that isn't "positive" enough, or what they consider "good". They have conditioned themselves to only listen to the most positive, affirming words. People simply like to hear what they want to hear. It is part of our flesh & soul, and just how we are. I can honestly say, believe it or not, that I would much rather hear good and positive things than not so positive ones...but that simply isn't all He speaks to me. As a prophet of the Lord, and as a watchman, I must speak about what He tells me to...nothing more, nothing less. I made a vow with the Lord many years ago, that I would do this regardless of what it might cost me, and I must. It hasn't always been easy. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ

It hasn't helped that so many within our prophetic circles have been taught to seek out "positive" prophetic word after prophetic word, with not much teaching on what they need to do to help that word to happen, nor any helpful and kind correction if correction is needed. They've been taught that God only speaks positive, affirming, and comforting things, but that simply is not what we see in scripture...not in the old or new testament.

Secondly, and I will say this as nicely as I can...ultimately much of this issue lies at the feet of the leadership within the body. For decades, much (not all) of the leadership within the body has given the people only what they wanted to hear, or what they felt they could handle. Much of this has been driven by fear of man, and a desire to be accepted and liked by the people sitting under them.

Many times, the leadership are afraid the people will leave their church/ministry if they speak on harder things (or things they don't like), and much of that has to do with the fear of losing their tithes and/or giving.

This has ultimately created weak Christians, who cannot handle difficult truths, even if it is what they need most to hear. They also can't handle difficult times very well, and tend to fall apart and retreat at the first sign of warfare. This must change!

I understand we treat new "babes in the Lord" differently than we treat more mature believers, but even so many of the more "mature" that I see, who have been in this for years, have not been told things that are more difficult to hear.

So many are not aware of, nor are they being taught how to handle the difficult days ahead. They are being told "Just trust the Lord, He'll get you through"! But folks...I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that isn't enough! The people need to be equipped and ready more than that. Yes, He will ultimately get us through, BUT... ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

That doesn't mean we won't have to walk throuth some very difficult and dark days ahead, and His people need to be equipped to do so. If covid taught us anything, it is that His people are not ready. How well did "He'll see you through" help, when they weren't prepared for what was happening around them and to them, and they certainly weren't prepared for what they were being told was happening? It didn't help much.๐Ÿซค

So many of the "prophetic voices" (and I use that term lightly) out there, haven't helped this issue at all. They've actually made it worse, and caused much confusion in the body. Many who have been declaring that "things are getting ready to turn for the better", that we will be saved from the difficult times (either by the Lord or by a political figure), are either deceived or are deceiving many...maybe both.

They either aren't hearing the Lord at all, and are simply saying what they want most to happen, or perhaps they think they are hearing Him (which means they're delusional)...or they know they aren't, but they have found a way to get many followers and "givers" by telling them most what they want to hear. They've learned the jargon of the prophetic, and have made the most of the bodies ignorance and need for "positive/peace, peace" rhetoric. They will soon be exposed, but the damage they have done in the body will be felt for some time. I grieve because of this damage.

โœด๏ธ ๐™„'๐™ซ๐™š ๐™จ๐™–๐™ž๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™—๐™š๐™›๐™ค๐™ง๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™จ๐™–๐™ฎ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™–๐™œ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ...

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So much more is coming, and if you haven't been jolted awake to reality by what you have seen and heard around you this year, I beg of you to ask the Lord to show you where we are, and what is truly ahead! Don't trust me, or any other voice, more than you trust His voice. Ask Him, and without bias, listen to what He says is just ahead, and listen to the voices He says to listen to.

Many have gotten off track in this hour, and even many prophetic voices that I once listened to, I no longer do. Some were even "friends" or closer acquaintances at one time, but I have seen compromise with them or in their camp, and I simply could not any longer. It is sad, but I cannot stay connected to those which I know have compromised for money, platform, fame or just to be liked.

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In prayer & preparation,

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer

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