As of last Wednesday, we entered into the month of AV on the Hebrew Calendar. This week is also the last week of the time known as "Between The Narrow Straits", which will end on the 9th of AV this Thursday . You can read more about that from my previous post HERE. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻#BetweenTheStraits #AV
As we are in this last part of this 3 week time, many may feel even more "pressure" than before, with an intensity in the spirit. There is a lot going on in the Spirit realm, as we head through the narrow place, and into what the Lord has for us in this time. This is even more significant this year than most, due to the intense season we are in! #5780 #NewEra
The Hebrew letter associated with the Month of AV is the TET, which looks like a womb. Because of this, AV is also known as the month when that which we have been "pregnant" with in the spirit, begins to manifest in the natural. This is part of the "pushing" that we must do in this hour...time to birth some things! #PUSH #PrayUntilSomethingHappens
I know Darin and I have been feeling this a lot of this pressure, especially since Sunday, and are having to press in and press through this time. I specifically can feel a lot of unrest and confusion trying to come in. Much is shifting and changing during this time, and we must press in and through by His Spirit, to come through the other side, ready for what all He has for us in this season. He is preparing us for what is coming.
May I encourage you to push through during this time, pray in the spirit as much as possible, and stay in the "secret place" as much as you can. We need to hear the strategies of heaven in this hour, more than ever before, and heed His clear instructions. Praying for clarity of thought and purpose for God's remnant! 🙏🙏🙏
Let us also pray for Israel this week, as it is a very crucial time for them also! 🇮🇱💙
In prayer,
Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer