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Writer's picture: Prophetic ReformerProphetic Reformer

I was talking to a good friend this week, and this word came up in our discussion about the Reformers that the Lord is rising up in this hour! They will not tolerate compromise within leadership, and they have only fear of Him alone! This is happening more and more, in every sphere, and will continue in this new era! 👇🔄

Excerpt from the word ~ released 10/31/2016,


I heard the Lord say ~ "I will cause many Reformers to arise in this next season, and they will begin to call for a "Reformation", they will call out those things that need to be changed, those things that have been My Church, in the government, even those things done in secret that are not discussed. These Reformers will have the anointing and tenacity of Martin Luther, and they will not back down from the truth, regardless of what others think, say, or do. They will begin to declare "Enough is Enough!", and will stand up against what they know to be wrong, even in the face of much persecution, knowing that I have called them for this hour to stand for truth and justice! They will stand between the porch and the altar, they will intercede, they will raise a standard of righteousness, and they will begin to birth the Awakening that I have ordained for this hour!

🔄🔥These {reformers} that I am raising up will have no fear of man, but will have reverential fear of Me alone ~ they will only strive to please My heart, and will listen to My Voice alone! They will burn with a desire to see My truth come forth, to see My light shine in the darkness. They will stand against injustice ~ they will stand against compromise ~ they will walk in My Glory, and be branded with the Fire of My holiness! They will stand against the altars of Baal that have been raised up, and like Gideon, they will be the ones to tear down even the altars that were raised by their father's house. They will stand for truth, and expose lies ~ they will stand in light, and expose darkness! They will know and expose the difference in the holy and the profane. They will be of every race, of every tribe, of every generation, both male and female...🔄⏫

⚔My Spirit will be with them and will guide them, as they follow His leading into the battle ahead. They will be lead by My wisdom, and will know when to speak and when to stay silent. They will know when to move, and when to stay still. They will know when to war, and when to love. They will understand the balance in My judgments, and they will move, as I do, in as much justice as they do love.⚖ 🔨⌛⏰🙌"

Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer


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Amanda Shiflett is the founder of Prophetic Reformer and Co-founder of Kingdom Life Ministries, along with her husband Darin. She is a Prophetic Minister who heard the Lord's call from a very young age. Amanda is a heralding voice of truth, holiness, and purity within the prophetic, and calls others to stand in a place of no compromise in their callings. She longs to see reformation come most especially to the current Prophetic movement, as well as the other parts of the 5-fold within the body of Christ.  


Along with her calling as a Prophetess, Amanda also flows in a powerful worship and healing anointing, and is a gifted teacher and writer as well. Although she loves all aspects of the ministry that God has called her to, her personal passion is to see reformation come to the Body of Christ and the current prophetic movement. She also longs to see those in the Body of Christ reach their destinies - to see God's people break free from their strongholds and bondages, to walk in complete wholeness and freedom in Christ. She is honored and excited to serve the Lord in many capacities in the Kingdom, seeing lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit! 


Over a 10 year period, Amanda received overall training in biblical studies, with extensive training in prophecy, spiritual warfare, Hebraic roots, healing, and supernatural ministry, at various ministry schools. In addition, she also traveled and served under several national and international ministries during that time. She is constantly engaging in more study and understanding in the revelations of the Lord, and is actively involved in continuing education. 


Amanda and her husband, Darin, are both Apostolically aligned with and ordained through FMCI, under the apostolic leadership of Apostle Jim Hodges. They currently reside near Dallas, TX.

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