I shared this in my other media outlets last week, but needed to share it here also. There have actually been a couple of earthquakes in the past few days since I first released this. Los Angeles, CA was actually rocked by a 3.3 earthquake this morning. There has also been an uptick in volcanoes, and I sense more even "closer to home" also.
Myself and others have also been getting some warnings about possible food shortages, due to affects from the COVID-19, and I have also been sensing some possibly from flooding. We need to make preparations in the spiritual and in the natural for these types of things. If nothing else, this pandemic has hopefully shown many what it is like when you aren't prepared for when disasters come. It is good to have some food, water, essentials, and small bills stored up for just such cases. I'm not saying that we need to become hoarders or fearful of what may be coming, but when many are sensing these things coming, it is best to be wise, and be prepared. READ MORE ABOUT THIS in the word I previously released "The Best of Times, and The Worst of Times"...click HERE to read this full word. I will be releasing even more regarding this in my upcoming book entitled
"The Best of Times, and The Worst of Times ~ Prophetic Keys to Surviving and Thriving in the New Era".
We have entered a time where it isn't enough to only intercede over many things that the Lord is revealing...we need apostolic and prophetic strategy for what lies ahead! IT IS ESSENTIAL IN THIS HOUR!
Praying into what all that looks like, and what my/our part is. Lord, release Your wisdom in this time!
In Him,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer