Now THIS...this is encouraging to me! 🙌🏻
This was posted on DJTs page 9 hrs ago! It starts with "THANK YOU GOD!"...
When was the last time you knew of a President or President-elect that started off a post or anything like that?! He is giving God credit for these numbers. Do others do that...ever?? I mean, in any nation??
Truly guys...I don't remember one!
I'm sometimes confused by what folks expect out of someone who is not a strong and mature believer, and hasn't claimed to be...although he has claimed to believe in the Lord (and specifically will say Jesus), and does continue to try to do better. Why do we expect more out of him than any other leader in recent decades?? 🤔
Does he have his issues? YES, most certainly! Was he always my favorite pick? No! Do I always like what he says and does? No, and I do not look the other way when he uses fowl language or says certain things...
But I also know he is from NYC...they are a different and harder breed by far. He needs sanctification in a big way...but I believe like with everyone, that is the Holy Spirit's job, not mine. He is also not a leader in the body of Christ...he's not an apostle, a pastor, or minister, so I don't expect that level from him. He is not a Pastor-in-Chief, he is a Commander-in-Chief, and there is a big difference!
I do not like some of the things he did during c0-vid. I believe he listened to the wrong people, and he might again...so I pray that he won't. He is not perfect. But if I look at what he did try to do (outside of "C"), he actually did a lot of good things in his Presidency. Way more than most anyone else in my lifetime. Why can't we look at that?
I'm not a DJT "fan" guys. I don't idolize him, or think he is the "savior" of our nation...some maybe do, but I don't. I haven't even always liked him tbh.
But I do believe he is a good leader for our nation in this hour, who is a fighter (a NY scrapper) that is determined to fight for what he believes in...and I do feel he truly believes in America and it's history and values. I also believe that if he continues to give thanks to God, and put more of his trust in Him, that he will do well. That choice is his. I can only watch and see. But I will say, I have seen no other leader that gives more credit to God in recent years, not here in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world.
I will also say that, although God doesn't tell us to put all of our stock in who our leader is, it does matter folks! We can say it doesn't, but the scripture is clear, "When the wicked rule, the people perish!" -Prov. 29:2...
And we have seen that in the last 4 years haven't we? And under the 8 B.O. years also! What they choose to do as elected leaders of our nation, can spiral us further towards judgement.
For those who say that Christians or leaders shouldn't be involved in politics...I would say, I'm not involved in politics. I am involved in and care about our government...and that is a very big difference!
If you don't believe we (as Christian leaders) should stand up and say anything or do anything re: our government, I beg you to research the "Black-Robed regiment" and their role in the American Revolution! Some have argued that they were a huge contributor in why we won the war...and I believe they were! Read about them in the comments.
I like to think would have been one of them...and am now! I will fight for our freedoms, for what God originally intended us to be, until I can fight no longer. This means I will stand up for leaders that I believe are good for our nation, and speak up when I feel they are not! Yes, I am and American Patriot, a freedom-fighter, and a leader in the body of Christ. I don't put my trust in leaders, but I do know how God can and has used them through our almost 250 years as a nation. I don't put them on a pedestal, but I do see how they can help (or hinder) the Kingdom plan He has for us! If you don't believe we (as Christian leaders) should stand up and say anything about or do anything re: our government, I beg you to research the "Black-Robed regiment" and their role in the American Revolution! Some have argued that they were a huge contributor in why we won the war...and I believe they were! Sharing a video in the comments below... 👇🏻
I like to think I would have been one of them...and am now! I will fight for our freedoms, for what God originally intended us to be, until I can fight no longer. This means I will stand up for leaders that I believe are good for our nation, and speak up when I feel they are not! Yes, I am an American Patriot, a freedom-fighter, and a leader in the body of Christ. I don't put my trust in leaders, but I do know how God can and has used them through our almost 250 years as a nation. I don't put them on a pedestal, but I do see how they can help (or hinder) the Kingdom plan He has for us! 👑
In prayer for our beautiful nation of America, and, in continued prayer for #Reformation! 🙏🇺🇸
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer