This is a word I originally released Jan 2018. This is what we see happening right now..the "exposing" of many who have been doing things they should not, as well as the "exposing" of those who are His true remnant!🔦🕯⚔🪔
"As you have seen in this last year, so the next few years will truly be an intense season of exposure of many things.
Yes, there are many whose season of grace has ended, and what they have refused to turn from, will be exposed for all to see. What has been done in darkness, will be brought to the light. This will not only be one here, and one there, but entire organizations, entire groups, yes even entire churches and ministries, will go through an exposing process. It will not be easy, but the purging must happen, and purification will come!
Although much of the exposure will not be desired, because it will expose the iniquity and sin in many areas, this will also be the hour of My exposure for many of My remnant. This will be an exposure that has been a long time coming! As it was with My servant David, so it will be with you, My remnant who are ready! I will bring you into your hour of exposing, where who you are will be exposed for the world to see! You have been prepared in the wilderness for this moment, and I will take My horn of oil, and pour it upon Your head, in the midst of all Your brethren. This is why the last season of your preparation has been so intense. You have been in the wilderness with Me, as you were being trained for this hour of your presentation. You have been trained in war, trained in endurance, trained in trust, trained to worship in My Presence, and trained in your ability to hear Me and obey. will be exposed as the true remnant that I have trained you to be. The hour of your exposing is at hand!"
Amanda Shiflett - Prophetic Reformer
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