I shared this in certain circles earlier this week, but due to the intensity of this time, I wasn't able to share it here. I need to now.
I can't express what myself and other Prophetic watchmen (council) in my circles, have been seeing & sensing this week. I had dinner with a friend on Wednesday, and she's been feeling it a lot. I got home to a message from one of the admins for our Prophetic group, who's feeling it much also. I shared in our group, and many others have been as well.
The best ways to try to describe it are:
Intensity, pressure, heaviness (for no apparent reason), grieving, tears, can't sleep well...and I myself have also had some pretty intense pain even in my physical body. 😣
The last time we all felt similarly in this intense way, was literally the week that President Trump was hit in the first attempt of assassination, where he was shot. We didn't know what we were all sensing at the time, but later realized that was it.
We've all been sensing and hearing that something huge is coming. Something big is being planned...and it isn't good. Many of us have sensed for some time that there would be another attempt on his life. Some have also had dreams of such.
We're praying, we're interceding a lot...but it hasn't lifted, only gotten more intense.
All I can say is:
Pray, fast, listen, prepare! Pray that what is being planned will be thwarted!
Prepare for some intense times...but not in fear, simply trusting in Him to be with us as we walk through the days ahead.
Hear me when I say:
We have not walked this way before, and we have never walked through the days that are coming very shortly. I don't say that to make anyone afraid, but simply that we must be aware. I can't sugar coat it, I can't make it lighter than it is. We need to be in much prayer and prepared, both spiritually and physically for the days ahead.
C - 19 and what came with it was like nothing we had ever seen. It will be like that...in so many ways, I can't even describe. All that I've been discussing for the last 8 years is getting ready to happen...quickly!
Please hear the cry of what the watchmen are seeing and hearing! We do not choose to hear and see as we do, but He allows us to, to prepare us for the battle at hand. ⚔️🛡
Do not disdain our words, for He is warning out of His great love. His warnings are to prepare us for what we must walk through, and to let us know that He is with us! They are also to pray, if by chance we can thwart or diminish what is to come...or at the least pray protection over our homes and families.
🩸🛡 Apply the blood daily...over yourself, your family, your property!
🩸🛡 Take communion with your family regularly, and declare that His blood covers you!
🩸🛡 Declare (out loud) Psalm 91 over yourself and your family regularly... specifically highlighting that no evil will befall you and no plague will come near your dwelling!
🩸🛡 Don't forget to DWELL in the secret place...now more than ever! Listen for His voice and follow Him!
🩸🛡 Get together and pray with a group of believers who understands where we are, and the days we are in. At your church, or even other churches/ministries if necessary.
We are discussing getting together locally for prayer this weekend...prob late Sunday.
Let me know if you want to be a part of that time.
In prayer & preparation,
Amanda Shiflett ~ Prophetic Reformer